Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was Clay All Day

I don't rhyme all the time - woops - but today was all about clay. I finally had all my tools gathered: clay, pasta machine, sticks and stuff - and a book from the library for ideas. Well, the project from the book didn't quite go the way I wanted it to - I still need some shape-cutting tools. So I just did my own thing and played.

I had a face form (don't be afraid, Robin - they won't come alive at night and hurt you), so I mixed up some stone-like clay and went to town.

Clay is really funny stuff - you have to condition it - smooth it in your hands until it gets pliable enough to put it in the pasta machine for further conditioning. I had some gold and reddish clay left over from some pendants I made last time - so I used that for a hanging thing - it's too heavy to be a pendant, but I thought I could hang it somewhere.

I made all the shapes and took my oven into the kitchen. Mike was all excited that I was baking something (poor guy) - but then he found out it was clay. He keeps hoping I will turn into a house goddess, but I'm too busy being an art goddess. *grin*

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