Saturday, May 9, 2009

So sad, another left home

The other couch went away today - to sit in someone else's home. They'll enjoy it I know.

I keep telling myself - "It's just stuff."
But I miss it already
and fear that I might not have another
as it took 35 years to get these two.
Don't know whether I have another 35 left in me.
Moving is hard on the heart.

1 comment:

  1. OMG you never said that you were moving! Got to worrying about what was going on with you.

    I feel for you, it's been almost 15yrs since I moved from Washington State to Alaska.
    That was a major move and a story in it's self!
    Remember that even tho we get attached to things we can replace them with better items.

    Please post when you can and are able....wish I could be there to help.

    Shell in Alaska
